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What was the World War Two?

 > World War II was a worldwide armed conflict that took place largely between 1939 and 1945. The major aggressors were Germany, Italy, and Japan. The war was sparked in Asia by Japanese aggression in China and Korea as early as 1937. In Europe, the war began when Germany invaded Poland in 1939.


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17/01/2014 - SVT40 being used by german soldiers.
17/01/2014 - Czech sniper Marie Ljalková posing with SVT40 sniper rifle.
17/01/2014 - Soviet infantry charging with SVT40 rifles.
17/01/2014 - Soldier with SVT40 (rare color photo of SVT40).
17/01/2014 - Red Army soldiers equipped with SVT40.
11/01/2014 - First 29 Navajo U.S. Marine Corps code-talker recruits being sworn in at Fort Wingate.
11/01/2014 - Preston Toledo and Frank Toledo, both Navajo Code Talkers and cousins, relay orders in the Navajo language on a field radio.
11/01/2014 - Memorandum regarding the enlistment of Navajo code talkers.
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 > 1943-02-16 < 
 > Soviets re-take Kharkov.

Famous WW2 Quote
«Yesterday, December 7, 1941, a date which will live in infamy.»
President Franklin D. Roosevelt
December 8, 1941