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Who were involved in World War Two?

 > World War II involved 61 countries with 1.7 billion people which were three quarters of the world's population at that time. Allied countries with a democratic ideology countenance fight against the Axis coalition with a totalitarian character.


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17/01/2014 - SVT40 being used by german soldiers.
17/01/2014 - Czech sniper Marie Ljalková posing with SVT40 sniper rifle.
17/01/2014 - Soviet infantry charging with SVT40 rifles.
17/01/2014 - Soldier with SVT40 (rare color photo of SVT40).
17/01/2014 - Red Army soldiers equipped with SVT40.
11/01/2014 - First 29 Navajo U.S. Marine Corps code-talker recruits being sworn in at Fort Wingate.
11/01/2014 - Preston Toledo and Frank Toledo, both Navajo Code Talkers and cousins, relay orders in the Navajo language on a field radio.
11/01/2014 - Memorandum regarding the enlistment of Navajo code talkers.
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 > 1942-01-13 < 
 > Germans begin a U-boat offensive along east coast of USA.

Famous WW2 Quote
«Today we rule Germany, tomorrow, the world.»
Adolf Hitler