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Arthur Neville Chamberlain


// Biography of Chamberlain.

Neville Chamberlain was a noted British Conservative politician and held office as prime minister. 

Chamberlain was the youngest son of Joseph Chamberlain and half brother of Austen Chamberlain. Born in Birmingham, having been mayor of this town in 1915. He was minister of health (1923 and 1924-1929) and attempted to end the slums. In 1931, he was finance minister and in 1937 succeeded Baldwin as Prime Minister. Trying to solve the old Anglo-Irish question, agreed to return to Eire (now Republic of Ireland) ports that had been occupied by the British navy. 

Pursued a policy of non-aggression towards fascist dictators Mussolini and Hitler. In 1938 he went to Munich and negotiated with Hitler to resolve the issue Czechoslovakian. On his return was hailed, and said that the Munich Agreement brought peace in our time. The Munich Pact was insufficient to prevent the outbreak of World War II, having been obliged to declare war on Nazi Germany for having breached the Covenant invading Poland. 

Chamberlain resigned from the post of prime minister in 1940, after the defeat of British forces in Norway.

The english version of this article will be available soon. In the meanwhile, the text above was the result of a Google translation from portuguese version to english.

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