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Winston Churchill


// Biography of Churchill.

He was born in Blenheim Palace and was the eldest son of Lord Randolph Churchill. During the Boer War was a war correspondent and escaped being taken prisoner in Pretoria in a surprising way. In 1900 he was elected Conservative Member of Parliament for Oldham circle, but due to his disagreement with the policy of tariff reform advocated by Chamberlain, moved to the Liberal Party. Asquith appointed him president of the Chamber of Commerce in 1908, introducing legislation that established the possibility of transfer of workers. He became secretary of state of the interior in 1910 and in 1911, Asquith appointed him head of the Admiralty. Between 1915 and 1916 was in the trenches in France (World War), but then resumed his parliamentary duties, and the government of Lloyd George (1917), was minister of munitions, when focussed on the development of the tank .After the armistice was secretary of war (1918-1921) and later as secretary of state for the colonies, played a key role in establishing the Irish Free State. 

Between 1922 and 1924 Churchill was absent from parliament. He left the Liberals in 1923 but was returned by the circle of Epping, but now as a Conservative in 1924. Baldwin became the finance minister and he has made the United Kingdom returned to the real value of gold has also been instrumental in the defeat of the 1926 general strike. Between 1929 and 1939, not held any government post in protest to the conservative policy on India, rearmament, and in particular, the appeasement policy of Chamberlain. 

  On the first day of the Second World War he returned to his old post at the Admiralty. In May 1940 he was called upon to occupy the leadership of a multi-party government and the House of Commons, made ??his famous speech about blood, sweat and tears. He kept a good relationship with U.S. President Roosevelt, and in August 1941, he concluded with the agreement of the Atlantic. He traveled to Washington, Casablanca, Cairo, Moscow and Tehran to meet the other leaders of the Allied war effort. He met with Stalin and Roosevelt in the Crimea in February 1945, and agreed with them the latest plans for the victory. The May 8 announced the unconditional surrender of Germany. 

The coalition was dissolved May 23, 1945 and Churchill formed a transitional government composed mainly of conservatives. 

Defeated in general election in July, became the leader of the opposition until the elections of October 1951, when he took back the power, as prime minister. He resigned in April 1955 for health reasons. Since 1922 the home of Chartwell in Kent, is a museum. His books include a six-volume history of World War II (1948-1954) and a People's History of English in four volumes (1956-1958). In addition, Churchill also received the Nobel prize in 1953.

The english version of this article will be available soon. In the meanwhile, the text above was the result of a Google translation from portuguese version to english.

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