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Espionage in Lisbon

// Information about the spies in Lisbon during the world war two.

Portugal, between 1939 and 1945 inspired Erich Maria Remarque in the field of fiction, lived in a real everyday life so full of intelligence services because of the geostrategic position that the best way to integrate the work of a John Le Carré, The Spy Who wrote about spies. 

Services both English and the Germans kept very active in Lisbon secret is not to exclude the presence of American spies. All share this Casablanca Europe in order to provide the information that each country get interested. 

This turntable was Lisbon during the war years, inspired decidedly few legends, but the point was important for the secret services of all countries involved in the war. 

One case that did not raise that claim and was promptly shut the typist was the Portuguese who worked at the Embassy of Portugal in London near Armindo Monteiro, and being arrested as a Nazi spy, was sentenced to death, later commuted the sentence to see to life imprisonment. For Hitler it would have taken advance knowledge of plans for the provision of facilities to allied military forces in the Azores. 

In the dance halls and night clubs, the Intelligence Service data often sought less political and more of an industrial nature. As for German spies were everywhere, with them in hotels, cafes and terraces and transportation. Sought information primarily from Jews who had managed to escape the pogroms and concentration camps and that in any way had come to the Atlantic. And did not lose the opportunity to probe among the many foreign legation that the English held in Lisbon with modest weekly allowance, from every country in Europe and Asia. 

Lisbon seen passing D. Duarte Nuno, on his trip to Brazil when he was married to Princess Maria Francisca de Orleans e Bragança. It was in October 1942. This was a pretext for the royalists conspiring in order to be given as a solution to the postwar period in Portugal, the restoration of the monarchy. 

And Estoril was already at the end of the war, the center of another supporter of monarchical intrigue D. Juan, Count of Barcelona, ??pretender to the throne of Spain. 

Conspirators and spies crossed this turntable in the war years.

The english version of this article will be available soon. In the meanwhile, the text above was the result of a Google translation from portuguese version to english.

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