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Tragic Death of Rommel

// Information about the tragic death of Erwin Rommel.

On 14 October 1944, German radio issued a news filled with pain and sorrow all German households. The Field-Marshal Erwin Rommel, the most famous and beloved general-fekmarschall Reich, died at his home in Herrlingen a result of serious wounds which he was charged in front of Normandy on the 17th July. 

The reality was quite different and probably never will come to know the details surrounding the death of Rommel, but based on certain facts can rebuild itself, in part, the events. 

After the failed conspiracy of July 20, its chief, General von Stulpnagel after attempting suicide, spoke several times, when delirious, the name of Rommel, which caused immediate suspicions to the Gestapo. 

What is certain is that, although Rommel have some knowledge of the attack, never joined the group did not participate in any meetings of the conspirators, but suspicions were increasingly focused on it. 

On September 7, his chief of staff, General Hans Speldel, is arrested by the Gestapo in his house, putting up Rommel immediately in contact with the Supreme Command, but do not receive any explanation. Exactly one month later, Keitel called him to Berlin, but on the advice of doctors refusing to make the trip. The marshal is already aware of the suspicions that fell upon him. 

On day 13, the fifth Military District of Stuttgart calls him to tell him visited by two generals for the next day. Come talk to me or the invasion of a new destination, whispers to his son Manfred. On the 14th, Generals Wilhelm Burgdorf and Ernst Maisel Herrlingen arrive at around noon. The conversation lasted an hour during which the marshal put the current situation. By order of Hitler, Rommel must choose between two alternatives: submit to the judgment of a Court or popular commit suicide with a cyanide capsule. Rommel chooses the latter alternative and bids farewell to his wife, his son and his sidekick Aldinger. 

Finally, Rommel climbs into the car and after traveling just 300 meters from the vehicle stops. The driver, an SS soldier named Doose, recalls the events: General Maisel and I got off the car and walked a hundred feet, so Burgdorf called us and returned quickly. Rommel was bent forward and his cap on the car floor. As we returned to Herrlingen, Burgdorf ordered me to steer the military hospital in Ulm because the marshal had felt unwell during the conversation. At this point, the glorious Marshall, hero of the Africa Korps, was already a corpse. 

Four days after the funeral was celebrated official dignitaries of the Reich. Later, the corpse was cremated and the remains rest in the cemetery near his home Herrlingen.

The english version of this article will be available soon. In the meanwhile, the text above was the result of a Google translation from portuguese version to english.

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