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// Information about the concentration camp of Dachau.

Dachau is a German city in Bavaria (16 km north of Munich), which hosted the first Nazi concentration camp. The concentration camp at Dachau, built in 1933, became the center of the model and the organization of future Nazi concentration camps that spread across much of Europe. In addition, this concentration camp functioned as a detention camp, forced labor, and he spent about 160,000 prisoners and, as a center of scientific research by the SS, whose experiments have used more than 3,500 prisoners. 

  The April 29, 1945, the American troops liberated this field, finding thousands of hungry men and facilities dedicated to the mass extermination as there are examples of existing crematoria. 

In November and December 1945, were tried in the court of war 40 SS men responsible for the Dachau camp, 36 men have been convicted of a death sentence.

The english version of this article will be available soon. In the meanwhile, the text above was the result of a Google translation from portuguese version to english.

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