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80 japanese world war 2 bombs discovered.

// News about the fact that bombs had been discovered 80 Japanese time of World War II.

There were eighty Japanese bombs of World War II in a Chinese city. 

The bombs were discovered on September 3 (2003) in the city of Heze in Shandong province. Chinese experts have confirmed that the bombs were abandoned by Japanese invaders during World War II, according to Xinhua news agency. 

The eighty bombs were discovered by construction workers at the time they were digging drainage channels. 

The devices were removed after experts determined that corresponded to the non-conventional weapons and chemical weapons (Xinhua said), although there are clearly visible Japanese characters. 

China has been pressing Japan to recall its wartime aggression and remove thousands of abandoned weapons after a person died and more than 30 have been injured in August due to mustard gas released by a Japanese bomb . 

A Japanese diplomatic source in Beijing said the first week of September that Tokyo agreed to finance and organize the Chinese program of around one billion euros for the removal of chemical weapons, and the problem would be to find those same weapons. 

The Japanese occupation of Chinese territory before and during World War II remains a constant source of tension between the two countries. Japan estimates that were abandoned more than 700,000 chemical weapons. 

However, Chinese experts say they are still buried about 2 million guns, making China the country with the largest number of abandoned chemical weapons.

The english version of this article will be available soon. In the meanwhile, the text above was the result of a Google translation from portuguese version to english.

Agence France-Presse

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