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D Day, 60 years after.

// Celebrations of the 60 years of the D-Day, which joins leaders of 16 countries, including for the first time the Germany.

The 60th anniversary of the Normandy Landings joined on June 6, 2004, in Arromanches, heads of state and government from 16 countries, including for the first time, Germany, defeated nation of World War II. 

For the French president, Jacques Chirac, the ceremonies are designed to pay tribute to those who fought for freedom, respect for values of the democracy, law and liberty. 

Like 10 years ago, France invited heads of state and government of the countries that participated in the Landings on the Normandy beaches, but this time will also be present Germany as a sign of reconciliation, and Russia in honor of the role played by the USSR in eastern front in the fight against Nazism. 

Twelve former members of the Command Kieffer - which landed in Normandy on the morning of June 6, 1944, under a hail of bullets and heavy artillery fire - have received the Legion of Honor, as well as 13 foreign representatives from 13 countries who participated in fighting in D-Day.


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