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Nazi war crimes suspect arrested in Hungary

// News about the fact that the nazi war crimes suspect has been arrested in Hungary.

One of the most wanted nazi war criminals was arrested in Hungary today and charged with war crimes. Hungarian authorities believe that 97 year-old Laszlo Csatary was a police officer in what was then the Hungarian city of Kosice (now part of Slovakia).
He is suspected of deporting Jews during the World War II, in the spring 1944, to Auschwitz and other death camps and that he was present when the trains were loaded and sent on their way.

Csatary was listed in the Wiesenthal Centre's annual list of "most wanted nazis". That centre works to bring Nazi war criminals to justice.
After the war, a Hungarian court sentenced him to death in absentia. He had fled to Canada, but was stripped of his Canadian citizenship in 1997 and voluntarily left that country.
Now, he will most probably be held under house arrest, allowing the authorities to confiscate his passport.

France 24

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