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Short film covers pancake-caused delay to end of WW2.

// News about the short film that covers pancake-caused delay to end of WW2.

A new 16 minute film, The Messenger, is the story of the 16 year-old messenger, Thomas E. Jones, who delayed bringing a telegram announcing Japan's surrender at the end of the Second World War to President Truman.

Unaware of his cargo's importance, the boy put work on hold to eat pancakes at a diner, hang out with his friends and flirt with waitresses.

Later, he left his pancakes to complete the job. However, he was pulled over en route to the White House by a police officer, who berated the boy for making an illegal U-turn.

Meanwhile, President Truman and his inner circle waited for the note that would change history.

Film maker Quincy Perkins stumbled upon Jones' anecdote at the end of a sentence on page 461 of David McCullough's Truman and became inspired to make a short film, The Messenger, that follows the boy's eventful day. The film will get its first showings April 1 and 2 at the 2006 Philadelphia Film Festival.

March 17, 2006

USA Today

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