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// Information about Germany before, during and after the war.

After the German defeat in 1918, was constituted in this country the Democratic Republic. This government stumbled with serious difficulties, due to insurgencies and the difficult economic situation (the March, the German currency lost all its value). Poverty and hunger led to desperate situations in the working class, and in these circumstances, many Germans were attracted by the ideas of radical anti-democratic parties. Both the Communists and National Socialists promise the solution to all problems. It is the street that, increasingly, the struggle for political views takes place. The NSDAP (National Socialist German Workers') of Adolf Hitler, who promised the masses to break with the Treaty of Versailles, a nation without unemployment and an enlarged Germany wins this fight and become the largest political party represented in parliament, reaching 37% of the votes in the elections of 1932 (with the support of industrial, military and bankers). 

The January 30, 1933, the head of state, Marshal Hindenburg appointed Hitler Chancellor of the Reich, and death of Hitler proclaimed himself Führer-Chancellor (head or guide) combining in his person all the powers. Nazism triumphant broke with the League of Nations and carried out the rearmament and the new power holders were quick to show their true intentions. The first anti-Jewish laws were adopted and it is a cruel persecution of the Jews in Germany. 

The NSDAP acts not only against Jews but against political opponents. Especially the communists and social democrats are persecuted and imprisoned in concentration camps.Certain forms of art, literature and music, are also prohibited. They burn books in public. Many writers, artists and scientists take refuge abroad. Democracy is abolished. 

In Germany, the peace and order return, and increased prosperity. The Nazis give much attention to the education of youth. There is great enthusiasm for Hitler and his party. There are some opponents, but most of them remain silent for fear of violence and arrest. The anti-Semites are accepted without major problems, encountering little resistance. In 1935,martial law is imposed in Germany. Only the Germans have called the German blood are considered citizens with full rights. Comes all sorts of measures to prevent and punish the contact between Jews and non-Jews. 

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