MacArthur speech for peace

// Information about the peace speech at MacArthur's surrender of Japan


On the deck of the Missouri, MacArthur took the floor to give a historical allocation: 

"Here are gathered the representatives of the major military powers to conclude a solemn agreement to restore peace. Disagreements were resolved on battlefields around the world and therefore do not deserve any kind of time for discussion. 

We are not here, representing the majority of the inhabitants of the earth with the spirit of intentions to destroy or obscure. For us, winners and losers, it is an honor to come out to our people to fulfill the promise that now referendamos. 

I hope this ceremony will result in a better world, a universe born of blood and violence. A world based on dialogue and harmony, a world based on human dignity and the fundamental principles of freedom, tolerance and justice. 

(...) Let us pray for peace now restored, asking God to preserve it forever. " 

"Today the guns fell silent. He finished a tragedy. We collected an important victory. The heavens will not take more dead, the seas only albergarão merchants, men walk in any part, head high. The whole world lives in peace. The mission was accomplished. 

I speak today to thousands of lips closed, silent forever in the jungles, beaches and the deep Pacific. I speak for the millions of anonymous brave men returning to their homes to build the future, a future that all of them, largely helped save the disaster. 

When I look at the long road since the terrible days of Bataan and Corregidor, at a time when the whole world lived in terror steeped in democracy clenched his ranks, when modern civilization trembled, I must give thanks to God for giving us the heroism, courage and strength to achieve victory. 

We know the bitter taste of defeat and the sweetness of victory and, with both sensations, we learn that we can not rewind. We must move to preserve the peace that we won the war. 

(...) Since when the man tries to appeal to very different methods, to achieve peace by developing methods to prevent international conflict among nations. The military alliances, balance of forces, the League of Nations, all systems failed at the hands of war. 

The destructiveness of war makes today more than ever, we find a permanent solution and effective. This is our last chance. If we do not find a more efficient system that will soon knock at our door last battle. 

The solution has theological roots and passes through the revival of human values ??combined with the technological process, artistic and cultural heritage accumulated in these two thousand years of history. This should be our ideal if we want to continue living. "

The english version of this article will be available soon. In the meanwhile, the text above was the result of a Google translation from portuguese version to english.