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WW2 Events

January 30, 1933
// Adolf Hitler appointed Chancellor of Germany
February 27, 1933
// The Reichstag in Berlin is set on fire.
   » Article with more detail.
March 05, 1933
// General elections in Germany.
March 12, 1933
// Concentration camp opened at Oranienburg outside Berlin.
March 22, 1933
// Dachau concentration camp opened.
   » Article with more detail.
March 23, 1933
// The Reichstag passes the Enabling Act, making Adolf Hitler dictator of Germany.
March 27, 1933
// Japan leaves the League of Nations.
April 01, 1933
// Nazi boycott of all Jewish-owned businesses in Germany.
April 26, 1933
// Gestapo established.
May 10, 1933
// Nazis stage massive public book burnings.
June 21, 1933
// All non-Nazi parties forbidden in Germany.
July 14, 1933
// Forming new political parties forbidden in Germany.
August 07, 1933
// Austrian parliament dissolved by Engelbert Dolfuss.
September 25, 1933
// Creation of the National Office for Propaganda (Portugal), under the direction of António Ferra and direct supervision of Salazar.
September 29, 1933
// 'An Appeal to the Nations' speech delivered by Goebbels to the League of Nations.
   » Article with more detail.
October 16, 1933
// Germany announces intention to leave the League of Nations.
// President of Brazil Getúlio Vargas names himself dictator.
October 17, 1933
// Albert Einstein arrived in the USA as a refugee from Nazi Germany.


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