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WW2 Events

January 26, 1939
// Troops loyal to Franco and aided by Italy take Barcelona.
January 30, 1939
// Hitler threatens Jews during Reichstag speech.
February 02, 1939
// Hungary joins Anticomintern Pact.
February 27, 1939
// United Kingdom and France recognize Franco's government.
March 02, 1939
// Pius XII becomes Pope.
   » Article with more detail.
March 15, 1939
// Nazis take Czechoslovakia.
March 28, 1939
// Spanish Civil war ends.
April 07, 1939
// Italy invades Albania.
April 11, 1939
// Hungary leaves the League of Nations.
May 07, 1939
// Spain leaves the League of Nations.
May 22, 1939
// Nazis sign Pact of Steel with Italy.
July 04, 1939
// The concentration camp Neuengamme becomes autonomous.
August 02, 1939
// Albert Einstein writes President Franklin Roosevelt about developing the Atomic Bomb.
   » Article with more detail.
August 23, 1939
// German-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact signed.
August 25, 1939
// Britain and Poland sign a Mutual Assistance Treaty.
August 30, 1939
// Poland begins militar mobilization.
August 31, 1939
// British fleet mobilizes.
September 01, 1939
// Jews in Germany are forbidden to be outdoors after 8 p.m. in winter and 9 p.m. in summer.
// Nazis invade Poland.
// First WWII bombardements against Poland.
   » Article with more detail.
September 02, 1939
// The Germans start construction of Stutthof concentration camp.
September 03, 1939
// Britain, France, Australia and New Zealand declare war on Germany.
September 04, 1939
// RAF attacks the German Navy.
September 05, 1939
// United States proclaims neutrality.
// German troops cross the Vistula River in Poland.
September 06, 1939
// South Africa declares war on Germany.
September 08, 1939
// At Bedzin, 200 Jews are burned alive in a synagogue by the Germans.
September 10, 1939
// Battle of the Atlantic begins.
// Canada declares war on Germany.
September 17, 1939
// Soviets invade Poland.
September 23, 1939
// German Jews are forbidden to own wireless (radio) sets.
September 27, 1939
// Warsaw surrenders to Nazis.
// Reinhard Heydrich becomes the leader of new Reich Main Security Office.
September 29, 1939
// Nazis and Soviets divide up Poland.
September 30, 1939
// Reinhard Heydrich becomes the leader of new Reich Main Security Office (RSHA).
October 06, 1939
// Proclamation by Hitler on the isolation of Jews.
October 08, 1939
// Germany annexes Western Poland.
// Assassination attempt on Hitler fails.
October 12, 1939
// Evacuation of Jews from Vienna.
October 18, 1939
// The first Jewish ghetto is established in Lublin.
October 26, 1939
// Forced labor decree issued for Polish Jews aged 14 to 60.
October 30, 1939
// Soviets attack Finland.
November 02, 1939
// The first transport of Polish women arrives at Ravensbruck concentration camp.
November 08, 1939
// Assassination attempt on Hitler fails.
November 23, 1939
// Yellow stars required to be worn by Polish Jews over age 10.
November 30, 1939
// Soviets attack Finland.
December 14, 1939
// Soviet Union expelled from the League of Nations.


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