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WW2 Events

January 01, 1945
// Germans withdraw from the Ardennes.
January 17, 1945
// Soviet troops capture Warsaw.
January 23, 1945
// Beginning of the Operation Hannibal.
   » Article with more detail.
January 26, 1945
// Soviet troops liberate Auschwitz.
   » Article with more detail.
February 04, 1945
// Yalta Conference.
   » Article with more detail.
February 13, 1945
// Dresden is destroyed by a firestorm after Allied bombing raids.
February 23, 1945
// Raising of the american flag in Iwo Jima.
   » Article with more detail.
March 06, 1945
// Last German offensive of the war begins to defend oil fields in Hungary.
March 07, 1945
// Allies take Cologne and establish a bridge across the Rhine at Remagen.
March 30, 1945
// Soviet troops capture Danzig.
April 01, 1945
// U.S. troops encircle Germans in the Ruhr.
// Allied offensive in northern Italy.
April 12, 1945
// President Roosevelt dies.
   » Article with more detail.
// Allies liberate Buchenwald and Belsen concentration camps
April 16, 1945
// Americans enter Nuremberg.
April 18, 1945
// German forces in the Ruhr surrender.
April 19, 1945
// Forças alemãs em Itália rendem-se.
April 21, 1945
// Soviets reach Berlin.
April 28, 1945
// Allies take Venice.
// Mussolini is captured and hanged by Italian partisans.
April 29, 1945
// U.S. Army liberates Dachau concentration camp.
   » Article with more detail.
April 30, 1945
// Adolf Hitler commits suicide.
   » Article with more detail.
May 02, 1945
// German troops in Italy surrender.
May 07, 1945
// Unconditional surrender of all German forces to Allies.
May 08, 1945
// End of the Operation Hannibal.
   » Article with more detail.
// V-E (Victory in Europe) Day.
May 09, 1945
// Hermann Göring is captured by american forces.
May 23, 1945
// German High Command and Provisional Government imprisoned.
// Himmler commits suicide.
June 26, 1945
// United Nations Charter is signed in San Francisco.
July 16, 1945
// Potsdam Conference begins.
   » Article with more detail.
// First U.S. atomic bomb test.
July 26, 1945
// Atlee succeeds Churchill as British Prime Minister.
August 06, 1945
// First atomic bomb dropped, on Hiroshima.
   » Article with more detail.
August 08, 1945
// Soviets declares war on Japan and invade Manchuria.
August 09, 1945
// Second atomic bomb dropped, on Nagasaki.
   » Article with more detail.
August 14, 1945
// Japanese agree to unconditional surrender.
   » Article with more detail.
September 02, 1945
// Japanese sign the surrender agreement.
   » Article with more detail.
// V-J (Victory over Japan) Day.
   » Article with more detail.
October 24, 1945
// The United Nations is formed.
November 20, 1945
// Nuremberg war crimes trials begin.
   » Article with more detail.


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