The gallop of their tanks by France
Patton conducted a lightning campaign in France. Their tanks advance more on the ground that it is possible to win, with the obvious danger of becoming isolated from the rest of the movement together. Quickly lacked the fuel? he said, to encourage Montgomery? Patton and complain will be one of his usual phrases: My men can eat belts, but my cars need gasoline.
With the German offensive in the Ardennes, Patton performs his greatest achievement: to break the siege of Bastogne. This achievement earned him an immense popularity in his homeland and greatly fueled his infinite vanity.
While Patton has never been a quarterback, was a huge master the art of mobility. During their advance by Germany came to travel an average of 50 miles daily, until you get to Czechoslovakia. After joining the Soviet armies of Marshal Zhukov, starred in several incidents with senior Russian military chiefs.
Its cross antisoviética
Since then, his press conferences would focus the attention of all war correspondents allies because of their harsh criticism, especially against the Soviets, who has considered the enemy of tomorrow.
After the war expressed so little interest in the denazification program, which has even been accused of favoring some former Nazis.
On December 9, 1945 suffered serious fractures in a car accident in ciscunstâncias never clarified. A few days later died, the military hospital in Heidelberg.
Died in peace time a man who confessed to having been born just to make war.
The english version of this article will be available soon. In the meanwhile, the text above was the result of a Google translation from portuguese version to english.